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Recycled Island: Pulau yang terbuat dari sampah plastik

Anda pernah liat gambar di atas??

Pasti sebagian besar dari kita pernah mendengar pulau sampah plastik mengambang di Samudra Pasifik, kadang-kadang disebut Great Pacific Garbage Patch. ya, pulau ini terletak di North Pacific Gyre sebuah area di laut Pasific yang diperkirakan berisi sekitar 100 juta ton sampah (dan terus bertambah).

Tapi keadaan ini mungkin akan segera berubah, dengan adanya ide dari WHIM architecture untuk membuat sebuah Recycled Islanddi daerah ini....

Recycled island is a research project on the potential of realizing a habitable floating island in the Pacific Ocean made from all the plastic waste that is momentarily floating around in the ocean.
Proposal itu memiliki tiga tujuan utama; membersihkan laut kita dari jumlah limbah plastik raksasa; Menciptakan lahan baru; Dan membangun sebuah habitat yang berkelanjutan. Recycled Island mencari kemungkinan untuk mendaur ulang sampah plastik di tempat untuk mendaur ulang dan menjadi sebuah entitas mengambang. Aspek teknis yang konstruktif dan laut mengambil bagian dalam proyek menciptakan sebuah pulau laut yang layak.

Karakteristik utama pulau:
1. Realized from the plastic waste in our Oceans. This will clean our Oceans intensely and it will change the character of the plastic waste from garbage to building material. The gathering of the plastic waste will become a lot more attractive.
2. The island is habitable, where it will have its value as land capturing and is a potential habitat for a part of the rising amount of climate refugees.
3. The habitable area is designed as an urban setting. Nowadays already half of the World population lives in urban conditions, which has a huge impact on nature. The realization of mixed-use environments is our hope for the future.
4. The island is constructed as a green living environment, from the point of view of a natural habitat. The use of compost toilets in creating fertile ground is an example in this.
5. It is a self sufficient habitat, which is not (or hardly) depending from other countries and finds its own resources to survive. The settlement has its own energy and food sources.
6. The island is ecologic and not polluting or affecting the world negatively. Natural and non polluting sources are used to let the island exist in harmony with nature.
7. The size of the floating city is considerable in relation to the huge amount of plastic waste in the Ocean. The largest concentration of plastic has a footprint the size of France and Spain together. Starting point is to create an island with the coverage of 10.000Km2. This is about the size of the island Hawaii.
8. The location is the North Pacific Gyre, where at this moment the biggest concentration of plastic waste is discovered. This is geographically a beautiful spot North-East to Hawaii. By recycling and constructing directly on the spot with the biggest concentration of plastic waste, long transports are avoided. Because of the floating character the position could eventually be altered.
bagi yang belum melek bhs. inggris intinya adalah:
1. Direalisasikan dari sampah plastik di Samudra kita.
2. Bisa dihuni
3. Dirancang sebagai perkotaan
4. Dibangun sebagai lingkungan hidup yang hijau
5. Merupakan habitat yang mandiri, tidak tergantung dari negara lain dan menemukan
6. Tidak mencemari lingkungan
7. Besar pulau tergantung direncanakan 10.000 km2 atau sebesar Hawaii
8. Letaknya di North Pacific Gyre di mana terdapat konsentrasi sampah plastik terbesar.

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kayak apa y pulaux,,,jd pnsrn ne...

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